Sunday, August 30, 2015

Connecting to Oracle from SQL Server

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Unfortunately, setting up a linked server to Oracle is not as easy as it should be. In fact, you”ll have to install some software on your server to make things work. I”ve put together a short guide on connecting to Oracle from SQL Server. The process doesn”t take very long but there are several hoops to jump through.
  1. Install Oracle Database 10g Client Release 2
    1. Install using the InstantClient option
  2. Install Oracle 10g Release 2 ODAC (64-bit32-bit)
    1. Select the Oracle Data Access Components option (not .NET!)
  3. Edit TNSNAMES.ora
    1. Product10.2.0ClientnetworkADMINTNSNAMES.ora (i.e. C:OracleProduct10.2.0ClientnetworkADMINTNSNAMES.ora)
    2. There is a very specific format to the network configuration file. Here is an example to get you started (just copy & paste multiple entries if necessary):
      DMDEV =
       (ADDRESS_LIST =
       (CONNECT_DATA =
      There are a couple of things you need to change:
      • HOST = SERVERNAME. The casino online real money value SERVERNAME should be changed to reflect the actual address or hostname of the target system.
      • SERVICE_NAME = FRIENDLYNAME. FRIENDLYNAME is the name by which you refer to this actual connection.
  4. REBOOT!
  5. Configure provider in SQL Server
      OraOLEDB.Oracle Provider Menu Item
      OraOLEDB.Oracle Provider Menu Item
    1. Databases→DBName→Server Objects→Linked Servers→Providers→OraOLEDB.Oracle→Properties→Enable “Allow inprocess”
    2. Enable "Allow inprocess"
  6. Create a linked server to the Oracle Database
    1. General
      1. Linked Server: A name of your choosing which you will use when querying using four-part naming conventions.
      2. Provider: Oracle Provider for OLE DB
      3. Product Name: “Oracle” is fine here
      4. Data Source: This should match the HOST you defined in TNSNAMES.ora
      5. Create a Linked Server
        Create a Linked Server
    2. Security
      1. Select Be made using this security context and supply the remote login and password
  7. Query the linked server:

1 comment:

  1. Dear, Similar db_link from oracle to sql server can be achieved using below method.
